Every Student Deserves Access to College Counseling
Helping First Generation and Low-Income Students in Hartford County, CT and Participants in Partner Programs in Baltimore
You Are Smart. You Work Hard. You Want to Go to College.
You know that college can open doors for you – doors to more careers and higher earnings, to mentors and professional networks, to new friends and a broader perspective about the world. But you may be the first in your family to attend college. You may be wondering, “Can I afford it?” Preparing for and applying to college can feel daunting…
It doesn’t have to!
Access College Consulting is here to help. We break down the college admissions process into small, easy to understand pieces that will reduce stress and even make it fun! We provide strategies that help you prepare for college in as early as middle school and throughout high school. We educate you about how you can afford college without taking on too much debt.
You have questions. Connect with us to ask specific questions about you and your goals for college and get the individual attention that you need to make informed decisions.
What classes should I take in high school?
What is the difference between the SAT and ACT? What is Test Optional?
How do I choose the right colleges for me?
So Many Questions!
How do I apply to colleges?
Can I even afford
Where do I begin?
It is normal to feel a little overwhelmed. You’ve come to the right place!
Access College Consulting is your college resource. Take a look around and come back often. Our website has answers to these and other questions you have about preparing for and applying to college. If you still have specific questions about your college journey, book a free session with us!
So Many Questions!
What classes should I take in high school?
How do I choose the right colleges for me?
Where do I begin?
It is normal to feel a little overwhelmed. You’ve come to the right place!
Access College Consulting is your college resource. Take a look around and come back often. Our website has answers to these and other questions you have about preparing for and applying to college. If you still have specific questions about your college journey, book a free session with us!

High School Seniors
Showcase your skills in your college applications. Click to learn more.

High School Juniors
Now is the time to start your college application process. Click to learn more.

High School Sophomores
Starting to think about college? Good for you! Set yourself up for college success. Click to learn more.

High School Freshmen
Welcome to High School! What you do now can impact your college career.
Click to learn more.

Middle Schoolers
It’s never too early to start thinking about college in your future! Click to learn what you can do now.

Parents & Family
Are you ready to support your student on their journey to college? Click to learn what you can do.

Padres y Familias
¿Está listo para apoyar a su estudiante en su camino hacia la universidad? Haga clic para saber lo que puede hacer.
You Have Questions, We Have Answers!
Access College Consulting complements the college counseling that your school counselors are able to provide and fills the gaps in areas they cannot. We help you take ownership of the college process, increase your expectations about the colleges you consider and feel confident in your choices.