Support Your Child as They Apply to College
Your Child is Thinking About Life After High School
- Financial independence
- Reaching, even surpassing their potential
- Finding a career about which they are passionate
- Exposure to a network of people and perspectives
Access College Consulting is here to help you understand the college application process and all that your student needs to successfully apply to college.
Talk With
Your Student
Your child wants to go off to college. Remember, they are not leaving you. They are taking advantage of the educational opportunities that will open doors to more careers and financial independence. Ask them about their interests and what they may want to study in college. Help them reach their potential by encouraging them to:
- Work hard in middle and high school
- Get involved in school and in the community
Share any questions and concerns, but most importantly, have the conversation!
COVID-19 is still affecting what colleges offer prospective students. Make sure to read about safety guidelines at each school before visiting. If in-person tours are not available, colleges have done an exceptional job offering information sessions and virtual tours on their website. Take advantage of opportunities to attend live sessions with admissions representatives and students.
It is never too early to start saving for your child’s college education. Every little bit counts. Even $10, $20 per paycheck starting in elementary or middle school, even high school will make a difference.
Check out this resource from Common App about saving for college: https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/saving-early.pdf
Financial Aid
FAFSA – To access government funds, you must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is important to fill this out early and accurately so your student’s financial aid is not delayed.
CSS Profile – To access institutional funds, some colleges also require that you fill out the CSS Profile. It asks for additional financial information and then determines how much additional need and merit based aid a school will offer.
It may feel awkward at first, but to receive financial aid, every student and parents must fill out the FAFSA. Your information remains confidential as long as you do not share your FSA ID with anyone.
FAFSA Opens October 1 of your child’s senior year in high school – Gather the documents you need before you start to fill it out. Fill it out accurately and early. The sooner you submit, the more financial aid your student may receive. Financial aid is distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama
The Common App and Former First Lady Michelle Obama have partnered to provide this video where she offers great advice to parents and families on how you can support your children on their journey to college.
Access more helpful resources from Common App:
Access College Consulting is here to help you understand the college application process and all that your student needs to successfully apply to college. Still have questions? Book a free session with us!